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About Me

I was raised in a religious family where my dad was a deacon in the conservative baptist church; being an adolescent, my thoughts were to get out in the world and live my life apart from the religion I was born into.  I was bothered a lot by going to church every Sunday.  I moved out from my parents house when I wasn't even 18 to work in construction with my older brother – that is when I saw life –I was like an eaglet finally out of the nest seeing the world as it is. No goal, no true satisfaction, always in the search for joy--in other words, life did not made sense.  I questioned myself if there was a God, I wanted to know this for myself. As I came home, i've began searching, reading, asking others for their view on God. Until now, I believe in a sovereign God who created heaven and earth and placed a human on it to speak to him and so this human would have an intimate relationship with Him.  This God made known Himself through Jesus Christ revealing to us what is to come.  Those who believes in Him know and have true joy and satisfaction.

"And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" –John 17:3

December 17, 2011, I was married to one of the beautiful woman in the world.  Since then, my life has changed dramatically.  Not only that I believe in Christ, (that he died for me and paid for my sin, I have eternal life), but I also get to see the reflection of Christ and the church in my marriege.  Life became colorful and more interesting living with a best friend called wife.  Both of us love Christ, we are able to forgive each other everyday as Christ forgives us.  Life that is guided with truth and the gospel, is a beautiful life.  I know by my experience that life can be beautiful, and there is hope when we truly trust in the God who knows what is best for us.  I hope you enjoy ever post that I write, since I enjoy writing them.

3 things people should know about me.  

The love for my Wife
My wife is someone who I don't deserve to be with. Her intellect, humility, kindness, meekness, draws me to her more and more every day.  I fell in love with after the wedding.  People say, "You need to feel love toward someone before marring them," this was not the case in my life – ironically, my marriage blooms more and more compare to some who did claim that they felt love towards each other before marriage. I am deeply in love with my wife, I can truly say these words "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).  
The love for God's Word
I also enjoy studying Gods word.  In fact, every Saturday morning we get together with few people just to do that.  I was about nineteen years old when I preached the first sermon.  One of the ways our church use to make preachers is just put them on the spot without giving them proper training.  Since that moment, I enjoyed studying Bible.  In my life, I heard lot's of reasoning why God is an allusion, blind faith.  I took biology and psychology courses in college, but those courses only strengthened my faith in God – education had limited answers when it talked about the origin of life, and the reason why we exist on earth.  I noticed atheist or evolutionist have the faith of their own.  Claiming science is the foundation, but in the end, you really have to believe what they say happened million, million year ago. I don't have to go millions years ago, only two thousand years ago to get answers for my questions.  Christ becomes a person who shocks the world with his words and his deeds.  What he says about eternity, the reason why people live makes sense.  But not only that, he had power beyond human explanation healing sick, raising dead, and resurrecting from his death.  The fact is, large group of crowds saw this.  Jesus Christ becomes the most influential person on this planet.  My faith in Christ witnesses to me of his love, mercy, forgiveness every day.  To be immerse in God's word (bible) day by day only humbles me and makes me a better person, it clarifies life for me.    

The love for my Job
Third, I enjoy being a nurse.  As a Christian who are called to serve, helping others in the most crises moment of their life, brings me joyful and satisfaction in my job.  My past work was construction (seven years), but that was before 2009.  As economy was shaken by out of control loans and greed, I went back to school.  Everyday I see people who are in their worst moment of life, (they can't function on their own, they need help).  Being that person who can show kindness even it is very difficult sometimes, gives me great satisfaction.  I love my job and I hope it can enrich the life of those who I come in contact with. 

Thank you for taking time to read about who I am.  I hope and pray that people are more attracted to the truth that are written in every post verses the person who writes them.  

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