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Showing posts from August, 2018

THE GIFT OF TONGUES AND TODAY’S MOVEMENT INTRODUCTION A minister at Kids Adventure Camp called a girl to the front because she claimed to have the gift of tongues. About 33 percent of the Pentecostals in the U.S. claim to speak in tongues.   One in 4 Christians identify to be Pentecostals in the States.  The girl ’s  name was Eden.  “Eden,  6 years old, interpreting a word of  tongues.”  The minister, whose name is not given, called her because she had picked a  “spiritual gift”  as a tongue of interpreter in the camp. Since then, her family had been praying for Eden to have this gift that she chose. The minister had confessed that he himself did not have this gift of interpretation. After a small discussion, someone from the crowd prayed in tongues and Eden claimed to know the meaning of that prayer. Eden, who wore a black dress with a pink prize award on her left shoulder, throughout the video picked ...


INTRODUCTION History tends to repeat itself when the lessons are not learned. Jehovah’s Witnesses are the continuation of Arius heresy (256–336). Arius said Christ was a  created  being and He had a different essence than God. “According to Arius, the Son was the first and greatest of all that God had created; He was closer to God than all others, and the rest of creation related to God through the Son.”   Alexander (bishop of Alexandria) responded by gathering a council of Egyptian bishops to oppose Arius heresy. Later Constantine gathered 300 bishops at the Council of Nicaea to draft a doctrinal statement of faith, known as “Creed of Nicaea.” Creed stated Christ was not a created being and has the same “essence of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, of the same essence as the Father.” Russell, who was born in the 1800s and was the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, mirrored the teaching of Arius. Russell ...