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Faith, Part II

Previously we answered the question that defines faith.  We said faith is a positive response towards truths which we humans can't see.  Right away we can say, hold on, how do we know what to believe?  Someone down the street can come up and speak things that would not be rational and you want to say this is true?  But even if it was rational, does it still make it true thats the question.  It all depends on the object of faith. Today, we have around 730 religions that are established which broken down to 3200 different sects according to wiki answers all describing the object of faith.  It is even possible for a person to read scrolls that spoke of God and still believe in a false god.  Jesus speaks to people who were masters of the Old Testament, but still fell short in seeing the real truth.  Jesus said, "For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me" (John 5:46), speaking to the scholars of Old Testament in those days.      

So in this article we want to ask: believe in what? Today we live in the postmodernism era.  It is an era that does not has an objective truth, but focuses owns individual interpretation.  Wiki says, “reality only comes into being through our interpretation of what the world means to us individually.” In other words, three people can look at the same color of the car and if all three contradict on the color, they are all right in their eyes?  But how can that be reality?  In the court of law, only objective truth makes a difference.  If someone went before the court and said, "I had a dream that it was my neighbor who shot the person who you are looking for." Now can that be reality?  What would the judge say?  To a degree, every individual defines the world to himself, it can be an illusion or it can be the reality.  But humans suffer the most when illusion and reality comes together, depression downs down.  Can it be that because of illusion, the world mental capacity is decreasing, we are more relying on the pills to fix the persons mind then to truly fix the root of the problem.  

Allow me to disagree with postmodernism thinking.  The question about God's existence is important.  It answers how we came into being and it explains where we are going after we die—to ignore this subject, it would be ignoring the obvious.  Imagine you wake up in the ship that is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean but you have no idea where you came from or where you are going.   What would be your first response?  I don't think you would worry about the view from the ship or a good place to rest.  The first question would be: HOW DID I GET HERE?  WHERE AM I GOING?  We as humans simplify the topic of God because of varies reasons, but then, this question is still unanswered.  We rely on science but when science can't answer this question, we leave it there and ignore it.   

But how does the topic of God has to do with faith?  Everything!  Everyone to a degree has some sense of explanation how and where he is going.  Either it is evolution or either it is a creation.  Or it can also be something else like, ignoring the pressure in answering these questions which then leads to postmodernism.  Postmodernism is build on lies in peoples mind.  People have faith, but faith in lies, in their "own" truth.  To reason and believe in God, faith is required.  

But what God?

Bible speaks of a person, who's name is Jesus Christ, communicating us the beginning and the end.  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Rev 22:13).  Another words, there is a beginning and there is the end and Christ, is that beginning and is that end.  In a certain period of time, you and me were born (we call it date of birth).  There will be a time when we die.  The Gospel of John says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," speaking of Christ, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:1-14).  To conclude, if Christ was at the beginning and will be at the end, he is the only one who can speak to us things that we have not seen.  

The answer to the question believe in what is Christ.  Christ unique in what he said and in what he did.  Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).  Three words that describes Jesus: way, truth, and life.  The word “way” translates from the word hodos (which is in Greek), it means: in respect to place, highway, road, street; in other words, a direction.  The question is which direction, going where?  The verse is talking about direction to God, to heaven.  Jesus says, “I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John14:3).  But how practically can we get there? Truth, a second description of Jesus giving us an answer.  Understand Him, who He is, why did He came to this world? How does his death affects our everyday life?  His teaching that reveals God, gives us instruction to how we humans can connect to God.  And a word “life” would refer to something that is living, to be alive.  When something is alive, it moves.  Jesus is real! People can have fellowship with Him.  He says, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John14:13). You can speak to Jesus and he will answer.  In order for anyone to know God, the person would need to know Christ.  Not buddha or allah, but Christ.  Christ creates access for sinful humans to understand and know God: “Let not your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God; believe also in me” Christ says (John 14:1).  

Questions to consider: 
Do you know God? 
Do you know why you live on this planet?  
Do you know what happens to you after you die? 
Do you want to know Christ?  

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