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The Blessing of Small Group

We had our first small bible group today, interesting to note that there is rich background to how and when people come to Christ.  We took most of the time listening to each other about who we are.  Our relationship to Christ was the topic of that conversation.  I wish I could recorded that conversation, things that people said made me understand them much better then just asking their name at church.  To be honest here, I didn't expect more then three or four people coming, but more came.  I guess God is at work no matter what kind of expectation we have.

There were two reason why this group came to life.  First is because of the constant visits of our English speaking friends.  Little by little God is drawing people that don’t speak Slavic language, but together we worship do to the faithful man translating every service—our church needed to move towards a deeper relationship level than just friendly greetings hi or bye at the church—fellowship among the saints was necessary.  In addition, this also opened a door to those who never had a chance to visit the bible group, this time it became possible.  God made this group possible.

There are couple things that I am praying about while leading this group: My heart, so I can be equipped for this ministry.  Second is to have an understanding of the Bible, the truth–I am limited in my language and knowledge.  Also able to communicate the truth in the clearest form.  Fourth is evangelism, this group can be a foot in the door towards sharing the gospel in our Bellingham city (go out to our community and preach the gospel).  And the last, so I can be surrounded by people who will have the same goal, same desire.

As I was listening to one of the guys share their testimony, I notice that small group has something to offer than just gathering together, people can know each other more when they visit the group.  When I was twenty one years old (one of the guys sharing), I had everything that anyone can desire, until an unexpected crash.  I was driving 150 miles when something went wrong and the car end up flipping eight times—this is the time when I knew no Christ, he added.  "If I would die,  than my soul would be in hell," that was his words.  It really comes down to one thing only when we come to an end, it comes down to our relationship with the Lord, if we know him or not.


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