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Week 8, Psychology Class

Going through week eight in our psychology class, I notice there was this "midlife crisis," dissatisfaction in the life circumstances.  After living more then half of the life cycle, people realize that what they desired, was not achieved.  The life expectation that were set up early on in life, were not accomplish, therefore, person feels guilty and depressed.  Carolyn Butler writes on expectation in her The Washington Post article:
"If only it were that simple. 'Many of us have very high expectations for ourselves, and it can be hard to let them go... [the] problems arise when there’s a clash between what you expect — a perfectly clean house or a home-cooked meal on the table every night, for example — and what actually happens; the end result is guilt, particularly for women... There are a lot of men out there now who want to have it all and do it all, and they’re suffering in the same way as women... men have even more work-family conflict than women do these days — and probably less permission to talk about it.'” 
Human limitations are seen more clearly as the person grows older.  The youth period, person thinks I am young and healthy, I can do everything that I want too.  But then it hits you when you are fifty, what I wanted to have, has not happend.  There are couple questions to answer no matter how old you are:
Why do you exist in the first place?
Is there a purpose for your life?
Our analysis of our life flows out from how we answer those question.  Different cultures, beliefs do have an answer, so the older we get, the more clear it becomes in how much we lived out what we upheld.  I do believe that there is only one answer for that question.  What is the purpose of my life?  Is to Glorify my Lord Jesus.

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. —Romans 11:36


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