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Putting Myself on the Trial

First time when I was away from my wife in three months.  It was guys retreat.  All guys from our church got away to an Orca Island to spent time together reading, laughing, playing, watching, in brief, just to enjoy time together.  But in the mid's of the active life, the topic was on "Real Man."

When we arrived at the Island, I've received a text message from my wife stating that when I left, life has stopped.  I couldn't read those words without tear since that's what I felt also.   Those two days, (it was suppost to be three days) were the days when I was thinking about her.  I was with singel men who enjoyed life, for them it was a time of excitement, full of adventure, but for me it was a time of separation; a period of time that I will never have.

Since the topic was about "Real Men," boys that were sixteen and guys that were in their twenties were easily united.  We had leaders from our church and a pastor covering the question: what is a man? and how to become this man?  The first day we spoke about the gospel, (a real man is changed by the cross) leading to the two questions on being a man.

Living in a society that has a hard time identifying man's roll, or more accurate, has no understanding who is a man and how to become him.  Man is often identified with violents, tough guys, man who dominates, and the man who drinks beer.  Peeking into our modern families, wife is to tire of seeing a person who does not care about anything but himself, and children are left to receive the pain from a "man" who acts like a boy.  Man deserted his roll in the family, society, and pretty much any roll that he takes.  For us to take a different topic other then man would be ignoring the obvious, ignoring the cancer that is easily spread.

The morning fellowship comes to my mind.  All guys come together to unite scripture reading.  Spiritual not spiritual, young or old, fool or wise, proud or humble, all of us got together to look at a man.  It was David's Psalms that we were studying. A man who God called after my heart, "I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will" (Act 13:22).  Discussing among the man the text that we studied, I've noticed God's truth to be so rich in application.  A man who took set's an example to love God in all different aspects of life.  If the man falls, he get's up and confesses, not something that I see in my own heart.  

And here I am, not just a man, but a married man.  I knew that after these two days, I have a loving wife who is longing to see me.  Who sent's me text message that wanna make me drop everything and go home.  As I was thinking about the subject on real man, I faced a question, what make's me a man? am I a real man?  And here the trial begun as I was leaving the camp.  


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