Fifty years ago, divorce was something little to know about. What changed? The freedom for protection, the freedom to have happiness some say. In the past, families were together no matter what happened. But since there is an option for a divorce, the word divorce runs more ofter when couple fight. Man in general, I would say, spoiled the reputation for all man. Authority was abused, if you are physically and emotional stronger, it does not give you any right to abuse a person who God created.
Now these days, divorce is just another step as filing the tax return. But the difference is this, filling tax return gives you some reward when you see a check coming your way—happy thoughts. Filing a divorce papers are angry and frustrated thoughts. The difference between today and fifty years ago is this: divorce is an option. But in reality, does the divorce solves the problem?
The article, “Great Expectations” by Polly Shulman reveals some inside of a person who got divorce with his first wife. But when he divorced his second wife, he noticed that it was possible to keep his first marriage together, he just didn't see that at that moment: “Jeremy now realizes that the relationship with his wife was solid and workable but thinks he couldn't have seen that that 10 years ago, when he left her.” Maybe what sometimes couple missing when going through a fight is to realize that this is the best moments of their life if they pursue the option for a divorce. Shulman also writes this: “the truth is that for most people, neither marriage nor divorce seems to have a decisive impact on happiness.” That is a sad picture.
However, study shows that, “married people, particular men, tend to live longer than people who aren’t married… Women improve men’s health by putting a stop to stupid bachelor tricks and bugging their husbands to exercise and eat their vegetables” (Schulman).
"Today the only cohesive force holding marriages together is the quality of the relationship between the spouses" says John W Jacobs (7Myths That Can Kill Your Marriage). But what makes this quality relationship? I believe it's in the gospel of Jesus Christ. No better example of showing mercy or forgiving to the spouse then the example of Jesus Christ on the cross.