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That's it, I'm Twenty Seven

As I am turning twenty seven, there are couple things that I want to thank my Lord for. Being twenty seven  might sound old for some people, but that is usually the case for people who are younger than 27. However for some (like a 50 year old), twenty seven is sounds like a child—it all depends from what perspective you are looking from. But as I look back, there are things that I am deeply humbled by: events, situations, and decisions that took place as I was 26 years old.

Lot’s of changes that occurred in the past year. Learning to be content in any situation, being placed in different circumstances and not demanding my rights, these things filled my twenty sixth year. To be dependent on the Lord was something that I experience this year. As I look back and analyze, these are the things that my heart was influence by:

My family: Parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives are big part of my life, the older I get, the more I prize the relationship. At one time there was a house full of children fighting, yelling, arguing, playing, building, cooking, but now the house is full of silence. Life flies fast, growing up with siblings was an adventure.

Friendship: having awesome friends to chat, laugh, pray, and think through life. God has given me a context of godly friends who's lives are filled with integrity. Too many, mendacious people might look like they are truthful, but once you let the inside peak out, the smell of unscrupulous life comes out. The only time when someone could love, is when the cross changes the heart. Jesus Christ gives a fresh start to a sinner like me and those who are around me.

Reading books became my resting point. Grabbing a book to read after studying or doing homework, unwinds my mind. People who love God, life written amazing concepts, suggestions, insides on life where me with little sense towards reality, can pick up a book to learn—second opinion I look for for a trustful source.

Bible: a book that always inspires me to live, it give meaning to my life. Out of all the literature, nothing more had that much of an affect on me then the words that are written in this book. This book (I am surprised), no matter how much I study, is always like a fresh breeze that hits your face when walking at Bellingham bay.

My fiancee: out of all the things that I am thankful to God it would be this person that I've met while I was in my twenty sixth year. Second most important step after salvation is marriage, and I’m heading that way. Her name is Irina, she only lives in the United States for three years, and already taking College and music classes. Soon I will be married to her, can’t wait till that happens.

My twenty sixth year was rich in events not only in my educational life, but in my spiritual and relationship wise life. As I am heading toward the next year of my life, these are the things that I am praying for:
  • Develop good relationship with my future wife; learn to be a godly loving husband. 
  • Start learning Greek; there’s this program that I’ve been looking at, but I’ll see if my budget permits. 
  • Enter LPN program at BTC.
  • Put time into studying the book of Colossians (we will be preaching through it with the youth leaders).
  • Get out and meet new families that are in our church. 
  • Visit a marriage conference. 

With all that said, I know that the time and decisions are not up to me. I could plan but only the Lord wills. As I step into my twenty seventh year, I want to have a mind set like Apostle Paul had:

“. . . I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:11-13)


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