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Poetry at the Talent Show

A good friend of my told a poetry that I thought worth posting on this blog; I hope you guys enjoy as I enjoyed hearing him speak this well though through literature piece.   

A Youth and His Case for Truth
By Yaro Chebunin

“Truth,” they say, “simply does not exist!
It is far too outrageous, and vague like a mist.”
“Well I beg to differ,” says the fearless teen,
“It surely exists, and can really be seen!”

“But how can you see it? `Tis not even a thing,
Surely not a true object... Like a telephone’s ring!”
Yet the fearless Youth, being all the more brave,
Stands up for the Truth and will fight to the grave.

“Let me propose a new journey for you,
Come with me, World, your lies I’ll undo.”
With a sigh full of doubts, it simply agrees,
Not wanting the Cure for its deadly disease.

The journey begins with one declaration,
The Youth makes a stand and lays the foundation.
“So you claim to say that all is subjective,
That there can't ever be just one right perspective.

Well I will now show you a simple example,
Where Truth reigns supreme, here is the sample:
When you see a colour and say that its tan,
I must also agree, 'cause it can't be cyan.

For we both cannot look at one common fact,
See different things, and have our logic intact.
What I'm trying to say, is that Truth must be real,
We can't base our lives on just how we feel.”

But the World interjects, to make a new claim,
“You can't force on others the Truth you exclaim.
What I think is right may not coincide
With your definition; I mean... isn't it pride?”

“I guess I see what you're trying to say,
But here is the error which leads you astray:
If you say that the concept of Truth is a lie,
Isn't your statement the very Truth you deny?

Consider what Geisler says on page thirty-­‐two,
Where he makes good point, solid and true.
And I quote: 'To deny the existence of Truth,
Is to affirm its existence,'” says the confident Youth.

Seeing its argument not quite as effective,
The World comes up with a brand new objective.
“So got you me this once, but I'll still persist,
Can you show me this Truth, or may I be dismissed?

For although it exists, can it really be found?
Where should we look – people, books or just all around?
Perhaps we just haven’t discovered it yet...
Can you answer my questions or do you feel a threat?”

The Youth not shaken, not even a bit,
Says to the World, “I'll answer your questions, and I'll never quit!
Luke 8:17, 'For nothing's concealed',
Says the Lord Jesus, 'that won't be revealed'.

And the Truth has been made publicly known,
It is found in Scripture – and Scripture alone!
The Bible is the sole Word of God,
Abounding in Truth, and as firm as a rod.”

Yet having some doubts, the World interrupts,
“But the Bible's so old, over time it corrupts!
How can you know that what you are reading,
Is really the Truth, and is not misleading?”

“O dear World, please hear me out!
Don't be so quick to judge, fight and shout.
Though the Bible has so many different a copy,
The words are the same for the writers weren't sloppy.

I'll paraphrase Longman, from page seventy-­‐eight,
Who defends the Bible and sets the record straight.
'When we compare earlier manuscript portions',
In all of the new ones there are no distortions.”

“Well now that you've shown me where the Truth I may find,
Tell me its essence, would you be so kind?
What is the sum and the meaning of Truth?
What's the Bible about? Oh tell me now Youth!”

“In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve,
To live with the Lord, and Him never to leave.
But the serpent so crafty, vile and sly,
Offered them knowledge, which was really a lie.

Thus man went astray, and fell into sin,
He deserted his God; death began from within.
But the Lord did not leave His people alone,
He promised a Savior, and on the cross made Him known.

For our sins Jesus died and bore God's wrath,
What we fully deserved for that Golden Calf.
Our idols are lust and lying and stealing,
But Christ paid the price: His wounds brought us healing.

We're all like lost sheep, in this sinful state,
But turn to the Savior, its never too late!
Oh how glorious is God's sovereign plan,
To save wretched sinners, by that one Son of Man.

Jesus is Truth, and to Life He's the Way.
Repent and believe, please do not delay!
Christ came to remove our condemnation,
It is only in Him that we find liberation.”

With that final phrase, the World and the Youth,
End their discussion about the essence of Truth.
The two go away, perhaps later to meet,
But for now this tale's considered complete.

Works Cited
Geisler, Norman and Peter Bocchino. Unshakable Foundations: Contemporary Answers to Crucial Questions about the Christian Faith. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2000. Print.

Holy Bible Holman Christian Standard Bible: Red-­‐Letter Text Edition. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2004. Print.

Longman, Tremper. Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1997. Print.


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