Tedd Tripp writes a counseling book (Shepherding a Child’s Heart) on how to disciple your child in the biblical view. This book is directed to parents in order to help them identify their own goals and methods that should be put to practice. Interesting to note here, the methods that he exposes are so practical and intertwined and so easily be used, but they don’t work because they are not based on the biblical truth.
In the book he explains how the heart of a child needs to be taught, educated when spanking a child for a good reason with a right motivation. He explains the balance in how and where to spank and at what circumstance, which is biblical teaching. Spanking a child for a wrong reason with a wrong motivation does not develops a child heart in the right way. Our culture denies this way of practice but it is something that God instructs a parent to do as they discipline their children.
In the book Tripp explains how to shepherd a child heart in all ages, from a child who is being nursed to a child who is able to drive a car--not wriggling out from the goal the God establishes for that child. He also mentions the wrong goal that parents set and do everything they can for their child to reach it.
This book is also focused for parents to check their motives and behaviors. So it would not be a manipulative form of parenting, but and honest trustful relationship with their child. As Tripp shares his own experience that he has with his children makes this book an exciting and interesting piece of education.