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"A Sweet & Bitter Providence" by John Piper

John Piper in his book “A Sweet and Bitter Providence” writes that God is at work in the worst of times of our lives, and these worst of times are not wasted. This book is focused on the book of Ruth to show how she went through darkest times of her life, but because she believed in the sovereign God, she took correct steps in her life, "preparing the world for the glories of Jesus Christ." 

Ruth follows Naomi after the death of her husband leaving her family to a place that she never been.  She is a foreigner, non-Israelite, but takes refuge under the wing of Naomis God.  From early morning to evening she worked hard on the field collecting ears of grain.  The owner of the field, Boaz, gives her permission to collect as much as she needed, warning his workers to not be abominable to her, later he end up marring her.  

Even though some steps were taken in order to seduce Boaz, Naomi instructs Ruth to go in at night and lay next to Boaz feet, so when he does wake’s up, she would listen to what ever Boaz had to say.  That was the plan of how to marry of Ruth, but God in his care protect her because Boaz acts righteously.  Piper describing the seen says this: “The stars are beautiful overhead, it is midnight, he desire her, she desires him, the are alone, she is under his cloak... and he stops it for the sake of righteousness and does not touch her.  What a man! What a woman!”  (822).  

People in the world hate God as they go through the darkness periods of their lives.  But, to know that God is sovereign, that pain melts, disappears because that truth becomes real.  

Seven Appeals that John Piper makes at the end of his book:

1.  Study the Scripture
2.  Pursue Sexual Purity
3.  Pursue Mature Manhood and Womanhood
4.  Embrace Ethnic Diversity
5.  Trust the Sovereignty of God
6.  Take the Risk of Love
7.  Live and Sing to the Glory of Christ.

“One of the terrible effects of depression is the inability to move purposefully and hopefully into the future.  Strategies of righteousness are the overflow of hope.”  (743)

John Piper, A Sweet & Bitter Providence (Desiring God Foundation, 2010)


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