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The Branch on the Vine

Some people say that you could walk away from the faith in Christ; and suppose that this is true, you cannot say this according the John 15:1-8 passage which is being quoted the most in this argument. The vine that does not have fruit in reality does not have Christ.

First of all, we need to understand what Jesus is saying in this passage. Jesus illustrates himself, the Father, and the his followers: His father being a vinedresser, He is the vine, and his followers are the branches.

At the beginning of his illustration, Jesus makes a statement; that there are two branches that are coming out of Him, both of those branches are His. Jesus says, “Every branch of mine” (2), in other words, when Jesus later makes the statement that the vinedresser cuts away the unfruitful branch and it is thrown in to the fire for it to burn because of no fruit, this branch is somehow connected to the vine. Note that the only connection that this branch has is the appearance, and nothing else. The appearance that makes it look like it is attached to the vine but in reality it has a dry and empty branch--the only connection it has is the looks.

This is the reality in our Christianity today. Too many people profess that they are the followers of Jesus Christ, but in reality the only proof for that is their words--no Christ in their life.

And Jesus shows the three characteristics the branch that has fruits apart from the branch that doesn't: unity with Christ, the undivided word of Christ, and the work of the father in the life of this branch.

The unity of Christ. The main characteristics in why the branch bears fruit in the first place would be because of the connection that it has with the vine, Christ. Jesus says, “Abide in me, and I in you... whoever abides in me and I in him. . .If anyone does not abide in me. . . If you abide in me, and if my words abide in you” (4-7). All that to say that articulation between the vine and the branch is real. In other words, this person is filled with Christ and His life, fully dependent on Him in every step that he makes.

Second characteristic is an undivided life with His words. In other words, Christ words are something that characterize his life and thinking. “Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. . . If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (3-7). The person who is a follower of Christ is the follower of what Christ taught. The truth that Christ spoke is his reality, and his life is the proof of it.

Finally, the work of the father is real in the life of this branch. “Every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit” (2). Notice that this branch is bearing fruit but still is getting pruned to be more effective, in order that it may bring more fruit. This just shows that the follower of Christ is not perfect, the person is vulnerable to be affected by sin. But the Father acts as a vinedresser who prunes the branches that bring more fruits to follow, truly reflects Christ who lives in him.

But why, why all that in the life of the branch some might ask? The answer is hidden in the Glory of God. “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples” (8). When Christ is seen in the life of the believer, God receives the glory. When a person speaks his belief in Christ, Christ in him should be the proof of those words. Just as God glorified Himself through Christ, so does he is being glorified when Christ is seen in the life of the believer. So can a person walk away from faith according to this text? we just seen that the branch that had no fruit had no Christ--just words and appearance.


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