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The game was Lost

One of the reasons why I joined the soccer game is to keep myself running, you could have fun and at the same time your exercising.  However, the players that are on the team are those who've been playing soccer for two or tree years.  We've been coming every Friday night to "Sportsplex," reserving the field and kicked the soccer ball from one goal to another.  This was great for me because not only I've get my exercise done but also say hi to those who've I see only at Sportsplex. However, with our small and unorganized team, we decided to singed up to "Men’s Indoor Soccer."

Most of the people that play there are those who've been played soccer for a long time, or play for some school like University.  Us coming out and facing these guys who are dedicated to soccer pretty much, looks ridiculously funny in a way.  These people are more prepared; know most of the rules; more united and organized.  Us one the other side, would be the opposite of who they are because we played for joy, as something one the side of our schedule.  

However, lost night game was a joy in walking away from the lost, 4 to 10.  We lost but we knew that scoring four was still a victory.  There are couple reasons why scoring these four points was still a victory.  This team, "The Jesus Maneuver" as they called them self, has the highest rank out of all the team.  That means we played the best team that is out there.   Not only that, the first half of the game, they scored 7 and we scored none, that means most of the points were picked up later in the game.  Also, during the game, we had no subs, all of us played all the way through, where other team did.  In addition, during the first half, our golly dislocated his finger, where I just felt being hit from all over the sides.   

Something about the team's name: "The Jesus Maneuver."  I don't know why they called them self this name in the first place, but personally, I am privileged in serving and knowing Jesus.  As he made his appearance to earth, he manifested God through what He said and what He did.  Not only that, he went up to the cross and die for me and you, that also includes that team that used Jesus name in their tittle.   Apostle Paul, had a history of persecuting people who believed in Jesus by putting them in jail, said this when he understood who Jesus was:  “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” (I Timothy 1:15).  

My prayer is that people who I play soccer with or against, would see Jesus as the one who came to this earth to save sinners, that would be all of us.    


Serge said…
Oh yes, it was quite the game yesterday! I really enjoy seeing how we are all progessing as a team not only in our skills, but also in our bond. Its like the more we play together, the more we are able to interact and easily communicate with each other. And its one of the biggest things I've learned these last couple of games was that it doesn't matter if we win, as long as we play together as a team!

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